Community What? No Guilty Gear?

By LegendaryLonewolf — April 7, 2011
Tags: arc-system-works euro-gamer guilty-gear interview

On the latest interview with Daisuki Ishiwatari and Toshimichi Mori of Arc System Works, they speak about Guilty Gear and what the future holds for the company.


In a fairly large interview with Eurogamer, Daisuki Ishiwatari and Toshimichi Mori of Arc System Works spoke of their company's recent efforts and what we can expect from the m and their IPs in the near future. Sadly, that future is very bleak for fans of Guilty Gear, as they said point-blank that seeing another entry in the series anytime soon is unlikely. When asked the question "What ever happened to Guilty Gear? Why did you stop making it?", Ishiwatari responded "Guilty Gear got too hardcore for some people, so we wanted to reset the level of entrance. BlazBlue was the answer to it. Also, the generation of Guilty Gear players has become a certain age – maybe a little bit too old for playing games. So making that reset brings in a new generation of fighting game players. Then they will be with us for the next few years." The interview itself holds a lot more information that doesn't necessarily pertain to Guilty Gear, and is a pretty good read.


Check out the interview on the link below.


I remember this interview, super lame. The generation of GG isn't too old, look at the SF fans >_<

Apr 7, 2011 by iorilamia


I read this a little while ago and was really disappointed. I loved the series, but I guess it's time to move on. I still need to pick up Blazblue, but I keep putting it off.

Apr 7, 2011 by DragonKiss83


ahhh shit really was going to happen

Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012

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