Community Wii Gets Price Drop

By jalexbrown — September 18, 2009
Tags: Nintendo Price-Cut Wii

In coordination with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo has already dropped the price of their Wii console.

According this recent Best Buy circular, the Wii has taken a $50 price cut.  Was this done simply because all the other console manufactures have dropped their prices?  I'd say that's a big Yes!  That's not to say that it wasn't a smart move on Nintendo's part, because I'd have to say it's one of the best moves they could make.  The appeal of the Wii when this generation started was the price point; it was affordable enough to buy for a kid for Christmas.  In other words, it wasn't a $600 or even $400 system.  So when the generation launched, $250 seemed like more than fair.  Now that Microsoft has slashed their prices, and Sony has done even heavier slashing on their prices, Nintendo has to either keep up or get out.  Certainly a price cut makes the most sense, because their price point is the driving factor behind their success.

I hate to wander too far off track, but I have to wonder something while we're on the subject of price cuts (I would normally refrain, but it involves price cuts and the Wii, so I'll go for it).  Now that the Wii has taken a price slash, why the hell are we still paying full retail price for two-year old games?  Super Paper Mario is now two years old, as is Twilight Princess, and both games are still retailing at $50!  How does it happen that a system takes a price slash before it's own launch titles?

Anyways, with that off my chest, I'll bid you adieu.  And if you don't have a Wii, it might be more worth it at the $200 price point.


I been hads a Wii for a long time now. I still don't know why exactly.

Sep 18, 2009 by goukijones


Lol. I got my Wii about seven months ago, and I don't think it's been on a full
fifteen hours since I got it. I think Wii Sports when friends are over is as much
as I play it. Oh...and occasionally Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition or No More Heroes.

Sep 18, 2009 by jalexbrown


I've been thinking about selling it for a while now. Honestly if it wasn't for Mario Kart I don't think I'd even care that the Wii existed.

Sep 18, 2009 by BatRastered


I'll reconsider getting one again when it hits what I felt like it was worth, roughly $35.82 after tax.

Sep 21, 2009 by choke


It's a good thing that the price on the Wii dropped back then. Helped Nintendo out alot.

Jan 8, 2011 by Arthvader


froze my toes black to let my wii collect dust

Feb 8, 2011 by SonicZero

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