Community Daisuke Ishiwatari is "Charging the energy" for new GuiltyGear!!

By iorilamia — March 11, 2011
Tags: arc-system-works daisuke-ishiwatari guilty-gear

The glimmur oh hope has exploded into a Sun of love and...well it's not confirmed but I'm still EXCITED!



Daisuke Ishiwatari answered some Q&A at a recent BlazBlue tournament held by Arc Systems. He didn't say much, but what he did say pretty much seems like " Hey we're making another guilty gear ;D" Check out the quotes.


I’m charging the energy to make it,”

 “You won’t be disappointed. If we make one it will be surprisingly good with a new look you’ve never soon before. Existing characters are going to stay and we’ll be adding new characters.”


I've been waiting so long for a new guiltygear, my idea was always to keep it exactly like Accent-Core, and add the 3D characters from guiltygear2 in. Hopefully we get some solid info on where Ishiwatari is going with this, pelase post if you find anything :D GuiltyGear is and always will be my favorite fighter. Anyone else happy about a possible new GG? Or are you done with it/ don't care because you have BB ?  Leave a comment below.






I've been itching to play a new Guilty Gear game. I hope they don't kill it like Blazblue, but HD characters would be an interesting concept :D I really hope it doesn't go 3D, though. Not all fighting games need to be 3D 9_9

Mar 11, 2011 by PaladinJin


I'm perfectly fine with the graphics guiltygear has :D But " a new look you've never seen before" dunno.

Mar 11, 2011 by iorilamia


I am a huge fan of the guilty gear series, and by hearing about this, I'm finally glade that we might just get another Guilty Gear game. I mean, the action was fast-paced and over-the-top crazy, utilizing faultless defenses, Dustloops, Roman Cancels, and my favorite, the Instant Kills. the characters were perhaps some of the best around, with Chipp being my personal best and favorite (I mean really, he's like a ninja). The story is also what's got me into the game as well. If we do see a new Guilty Gear game, here's what I think they should do: First of all, keep it in 2D. Second, continue the story (don't know where to continue from, AC+ or GG2). The one thing that ticked me off during the story was The Gear Maker, in which everyone else simply called him That Man. He's always so cryptic, and appears if only for a moment. the same can be said about Raven as well (you do fight both Raven and That Man in Guilty Gear 2 Overture). Finally, characters. Everyone should be back again, as well as adding some new ones. if the story going to continue after GG2, then I would expect to see everyone that was in that game to come back, as well as pretty much seeing Raven and hopefully That Man finally playable. All in all, I'm hyped for a new Guilty Gear game.

Mar 11, 2011 by Arthvader



@Arth- I agree with you on the story bro. "That Man" screw that. And guiltygear fight system is the best around, i reaaaaaly don't want them to change it in this possible new version.

Mar 11, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

I'm not a huge GG fan. Probably because I've only played one of the games, but I did enjoy it. I'm sure if they made another game I'd get it. So this is very good news even to somebody who isn't a big fan of the series.

Mar 11, 2011 by grey walrus



Only played a little Guilty Gear back in the day, I'm sure I'd play a new one though. I play all fighters!

Mar 11, 2011 by Cinderkin


A new Guilty Gear ... FTW! I'ld love to see a new one. But a new look sounds like 3d models to me. And new characters should happen everytime you make a new fighter. The characters always had a great look and the play was great. Zato, Dizzy, Testament, I'll never get tired of and Chipp was one fast ass character. Thank you for sharing this, put me in a good mood.

Mar 11, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I'm down for a new guilty gear

Mar 11, 2011 by erikestrada


Fuck yeah this is going to be a badass year for guilty gear is clean

Mar 19, 2011 by kof2012

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