If There Wasn't a Snake it Wouldn't Be Resident Evil #Biohazard

By cinderkin — August 21, 2012
Tags: video

First there was Yawn (a huge snake) in an attic in Resident Evil, then came a giant worm in RE3, next in RE:CV, and even in RE0. Giant snakes and monsters are no stranger to the Resident Evil franchise and RE6 is no different.

In the video below you get to see everyone's favorite STARS, BSAA badass Chris Redfield and his new partner (Jimmy?). Who cares about his partner haha. Anyway check it out!

So clearly Chris is still juicing just like he was in Resident Evil 5. This time his arms aren't as big, but it's clear he can't control his (roid rage).

What did you think of the video? Are you hype for Resident Evil 6?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Resident Evil 6

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Release Date: Oct 2, 2012

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