Community iPhone 4 vs XBox 360 and Playstation.

By PapaBear420 — October 4, 2010
Tags: call-of-duty halo-reach iphone-4 playstation-3 xbox-360

iPhone 4 a new way of gaming.

Hey what's up Gouki fam. I haven't played XBox much these days. I mean don't get me wrong the new Halo Reach is cool and all but everything is starting to seem like the same crap over and over again with just new boards. I don't mind dropping 60 or 70 dollars on a game but shit give me something new. More than just 5 new boards and some crappy mission that after a few bong hits I'm going to forget about anyway. Side note if you play a game beat it and then a few months later play it again because it was just so cool. Well, your a douche nozzle, I mean no offence, but.....your still a douche nozzle (that means you are not the bag but just the stick, and that's gross). I'm sure you can find something better to do with your time then get pissed at Mission 2 Level 3 all over again, YOU FUCKING POOP STICK..But again I mean no offence. You didn't see the US saying "hey we should do that Mexican-American war thing again". Oh wait they are kind of, you know with the whole wall thing and all. Bad example, but you know what I mean.

Anyway what was I talking about, oh yea the iPhone 4. I love this thing, you can get games for 99 cents most of the time and they can keep you busy for hours. Granted I smoke and one time stared at light socket for 15 minutes and thought wow they look like happy faces saying "oooooo". Go look, they do. Oh yea back to the phone. The thing about the iPhone and even the Droid is that you can take these on the go and have fun playing them. There's like 200000 games to choose from. Granted you can't take them to Game Stop and get credit for them, but with GameStop exchange rate you'll walk out owing them money. (GAMESTOP ARE ASSMONKEYS!! DIRTY DIRTY ASSMONKEYS!!) no offence to any monkeys out there. Unless your are an assmonkey then you should be very offended. It's portable gaming people, you can play a game on the crapper check your email and all at the same time. Thank you multitasking :). Granted it does have its faults like when my wife told me to say hi to her mother while on face chat and I was on the toilet. Don't judge me I make all my calls from the bathroom, great acoustics but a very weird moment for us both. 

I know it these shitty little games don't compare to Halo or Call of Duty by any means but you can only play that crap so much. You can play Angry Birds or Enigmo anywhere and even use your iPod at the same time. There's even a app that can change your voice during a phone call. A huge stalker favorite.  So put down your controller and pick up your phone there some cool games in your app store, and you can go out and see boobies that aren't virtual.



I would rather play most of those little games than play another Call of Duty! Good story jimmy!

Oct 4, 2010 by Cinderkin


Dirty assmonkeys!!!!

Oct 4, 2010 by BatRastered


You can;t play a real game on a 2 inch screen with no joysticks or real buttons

Oct 4, 2010 by ijazzercise


Working on an iPhone game Jimmy.

Oct 4, 2010 by goukijones


Unless you have sausage fingers you can play on the screen. Tilt it sideways so your Kielbasa sized fingers can manage the screen better gigantor.

Oct 4, 2010 by PapaBear420


Agreed. Iphone is the best gaming device I've had since the Super Nintendo.

Oct 5, 2010 by choke


I wanted the iPhone 4 but then I saw the new iPod Touch. So hopefully I'll be getting that soon. cc:

Oct 14, 2010 by pwny



Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012

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