Community SSFIV Developer Blog: Site Update Tuesday

By Crimson Relic — January 21, 2010
Tags: preview ps3 super-street-fighter-iv trailer xbox-360

The developers touch on 2nd Ultra's, a recent tournament and hint at a big announcement coming with their site update next week.

Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who in the comments for the last blog were concerned about my health.

Well then, today there are a few things I'd like to share with you!

First is the character page on the official site! For the newcomers in SSFIV like T.Hawk and Guy, but also for the returning SFIV cast as well, for 21 of them under the "Characters" page we have movies up of their Ultra I and Ultra II!

Personally, I like Balrog's "Dirty Bull", Cody's "Last Dread Dust", and Ken's "Crimson Hurricane Kick"! Within the Capcom offices, Rufus's "Big Bam Typhoon" is a big hit!

We'll keep the updates rolling out, so keep an eye out for them.

The second issue of the day is the page exclusively for the National Tournament! There you'll find the results for the 1st Kanto Qualifier that took place at Taito Station Takadanobaba last Saturday! As there are 9 qualifiers in total, to try and post about them on this that's why the Results Page will be updated every Tuesday with new results!

...Having said that, please let me write a little bit about it here. Thanks to the efforts of the tournament organizers and the arcade staff, our 44 registered teams were able to get pumped up, and the fans who came to watch also got into it, so it was a great time! Everyone, thank you very much!

The winners were the "Lettuce Sandwich" team of Kyabetu, Shiro, and Ojisanboy. In the final round against the team of "Mahou Shojo Zangitan's Challenge! Chapter - National Tournament", both team anchors, Ojisanboy and Mahou Shojo Zangitan clashed to decide it all! Ojisanboy kept his cool - my heart was probably beating twice as fast as his. And with this, the "Lettuce Sandwich" team advances to the stage of the National Tournament! Congratulations!

Next up is the Touhoku Qualifier! As you can see on the Results page, there'll be Mago, Tokido, and Akimo, and plenty of other interesting teams sure to shake things up! Let's all head to Sendai!

Well then, let's get to the third announcement - an update of the mobile site! Not the mobile site for the arcade version, but a site within Capcom just for SSFIV! Check it out! (Az: You would only be able to access the site with a JAPANESE mobile phone. It doesn't look like it offers anything different from the regular official sites.)

We've got an introduction to the game systems, and the latest news, as well as the newest promotional videos, and you'll also be able to view videos of characters Ultra I and II together with the update of the official site on 1/26! Mobile sites these days have become really incredible!

Also, for newcomers who may not be familiar with the Street Fighter series, we want you to know all about them, so there are pages introducing the previous titles from Street Fighter I up to SFIV!

And of course, we'll have some special limited edition wallpapers, so be sure so save it to your bookmarks and check back often.

Well then, the last news item for today is to tell you that this blog is going to have a special update! Tuesday is usually the day for the Dev Blog to update...but not this time! On Tues, 1/26, this little Nakky Blog will be doing the updating! ...Which means that as soon as I finish this entry, I have to write the 1/26 entry as soon as possible.

Why will I be updating on the 26th? There's no other reason of course - I've got a big announcement!

...That's blurry for a reason.

The official site will also be updating on the 26th, so don't miss it! There will be new images to look forward to as well.
(*The Dev Blog will be taking a break on 1/26)

...Aaaaaaand that's my 4 news bites to close out this entry! See you all next Tuesday.
(Or maybe at the Touhoku Qualifiers?)


Very vague, nice to see that they actually acknowledge SF3 though.

Jan 21, 2010 by RaiohESQUE


Looks awesome, hoping for Dudley!!!!

Jan 22, 2010 by wingspantt


I'm waiting for Dudley too. I'm dying to see that first video. SFIII was such a different world for me.

Jan 23, 2010 by goukijones


How dare they show Alex and he's not going to be in SSFIV....

or is he?

Jan 25, 2010 by choke


Negative ... Alex is "weeaak"

Jan 25, 2010 by goukijones

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