Stick-less Joystick Video Walkthrough. This is Awesome!

By Cinderkin — December 6, 2010
Tags: fighting-games stickless-joystick tutorial videos

So I noticed this on Eventhubs today. There are two videos showcasing how to use a Stick-less Fight Stick. This is pretty interesting check it out.

Fight Sticks have been the go to choice for most fighting game enthusiast. Many will say that it’s because they like the feel of the original arcade feel. Others will say that it’s superior to the basic controller scheme. I for one have a Fight Stick, but I prefer to use the Xbox 360 controller (don’t ask me why) for fighting games. The Stick-less Fight Stick would be right up my alley, because for the longest time I played SF and Mortal Kombat using a keyboard.

This is highly interesting and I am looking forward to the possibility of these things taking off and maybe being sold regularly like the TE and SE Fight Sticks by Madcatz.  


Check out these two videos and let us know what you think.


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