Community TEMNO: A New Pony Game Based on Limbo

By Daisymare — October 15, 2012
Tags: limbo my-little-pony preview temno

Czech Artist Astonov is creating his own version of the hauntingly beautiful Limbo called Temno staring MLP Pyschopath Pinkamena Diane Pie.

I sat down with developer Astonov and talked to him about his game and how he is building it and here are a few things he told me.

First off the entire game is being built inside MMF2 (MultiMedia Fusion 2) from the ground up. All the physics are handled by the software and everything having to do with level design and layout are being done by Astonov.

Astonov himself has no knowledge of programming languages which is why he choose to utilize MMF2. All you need to do is create an active object and select its movement properties.

As for the animations of objects and background art, everything is done in Anime Studio. It allows him to build hand drawn objects and make simple yet fluid animations such as grass blowing in the wind and other atmospheric effects.

There are still issues that need to be worked on. Twilight doesn't yet possess the full animations needed to replicate the character animations seen in Limbo. So far she uses simple platformer movements.

Astonov uses his Nintendo DS and Colors DS drawing app to make the terrain and sky while using Photoshop to create the grass and leaves with custom brushes.

I'll keep track of development and update as Astonov finishes new sections of the game.


This one kind of makes sense. I still can't believe how big of a following MLP has.

Oct 15, 2012 by dragonkiss83


We are Legion... We are one made of many. Our domination will be total. Kneel before Luna!

Oct 15, 2012 by Daisymare

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