Xbox gamescom 2013 -- Showcase Briefing

By BatRastered — August 21, 2013
Tags: gamescom video

Catch up with all the announcements from gamescom 2013 with Xbox.

FIFA getting packed in the box in Europe (While stocks last, LOL). Probably will be an announcement for a similiar pack-in for NA at PAX. Madden? Speculate below!

Xbox One

Xbox One System

17 Stories

Release Date: Nov 22, 2013

Buy it! 67% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 33%

Doubt its madden, EA makes a killing on it on the American market, more like UFC. I'm surprised Fifa comes with the EU version, it's usually the #1 game for months

Zero2990 has not rated Xbox One yet.
Aug 21, 2013 by Zero2990


We don't care about soccer in the U.S., so not really a big deal they get FIFA to us in the States.

kuroukage rated Xbox One Flush it
Aug 21, 2013 by kuroukage


@zero2990 They make a killing on FIFA in EU too... I think it's just because the next gen version of the game is going to be a disappointment this year.

BatRastered has not rated Xbox One yet.
Aug 21, 2013 by BatRastered



How well do FIFA games do in the States?

kuroukage rated Xbox One Flush it
Aug 21, 2013 by kuroukage

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