Blithering Blathering FnJimmy railed in MvC3 finals & 45 mins DQ

By goukijones — October 1, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog

What is up with the Battlefield 3 Beta? Why can't games just work like Halo or Gears. WTF is this X-men game, it is a reh-tard fest. Halo Wars PWNn, I should go play right now. FnJimmy = lolz.

Wow FnJimmy has been talking shit all week after he took a huge loss Monday night in the MvC3. Finally tonight he gets his shot. I'm screwing around, using Spider-Man -like the guy from EVO- and Captain America. I don't know how to use any of those characters. Since UMvC3 is so different and it's coming out in less than 2 months now, I'm just not into MvC3 anymore. 

I'm not into this X-Man either. Dreadful cut scenes and save points continue to plague this game. If I could save it myself, that would be a huge difference. I'm playing it on hard and I've done some parts 3 or 4 times and I've sat through every second of every cut scene each time, because you can not skip them. Then there are the dialog trees, worthless and unskippable as well. No!

Of course I mixed in some Halo Wars today. I've been playing with Anders and a day ago I would have told you that I got it all figured out. Today I didn't know what I was doing. Got some wins and carried a few teams. The nubs were in full effect and shinning bright today. I watched one Jimmy follow my hog around and pick up all the same supplies I was pick up. Find your own shit Jimmy, the map is symmetrical. Don't be a Jimmy!

I love the Battlefield 3. No joke, the party system though what the fuck is wrong with these Jimmys. I had no idea if we were in the same squad last night, same party, same game, wtf. I do know I have tons of footage of Arthvader getting PWNd by yours truly, he's gonna love it. Estrada runs right up to the explosive as its about to go off and blows himself up. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I was trying to disarm." Estrada replied.

"We planted it!" I told him.

I love video games. I left the house today and I didn't like the place we visited. The LAST place I want to hang out in when I finally do get out of the house is a smoking bar. Sad face. I'd go there again, but I'd sit in the dinning room, no way with the smoke. Jimmy don't like that!

I'm not responsible for this blog, but I fully support it. 

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

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