Borderlands 2 pro-tips: Get unlimited bank space

By BatRastered — November 30, 2012
Tags: glitches-tricks-and-stupid-shits how-to pro-tips video

The bank in Borderlands 2 is less than half the size of the one in the original game. This glitch will get you around that and let you store as many items as you want in your bank. No mods needed!

This video was made on Xbox 360, not sure if it works on all platforms. This trick has greatly increased my enjoyment of the game. I can keep all my hand-me-down weapons from other classes and not worry about how much space I have or worry about spending eridium to expand the bank early game.

Borderlands 2

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Release Date: Sep 18, 2012

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It was the same on PS3, I just made mule characters instead though. Heard about this a while ago, but never bothered with it. People keep saying the most recent patch got rid of it, but everyone I know who used the glitch says it still works.

dragonkiss83 rated Borderlands 2 Buy it
Dec 2, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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