Borderlands what is wrong with Mad Moxxi DLC

By goukijones — January 6, 2010
Tags: blog borderlands dlc mad-moxxi xbox-360

There isn't much first of all. This basically is a $10 storage bank for your extra weapons. Especially the fact that they ...

Mad Moxxi Borderlands dlc

Who colored the bank orange? Did anyone test this? You can not read what the purple guns or mods are with that color background Jimmy! The other colors are hard to read too. There's no real reward for beating Mad Moxxi that I can see, except an achievement and two extra skill points which are meaningless at this point.

Getting into the actual Riot Arena waves is something else. It's fairly simple and fun to play. In an attempt to change up the repetitiveness of the waves there's a "roulette" type feature that pops up and gives you or the enemies different types of bonuses or negative effects. Number two problem here, at the end of every level there is a weapon and health drop that fall from the sky. Being in the right spot helps during this, you have less than 10 seconds to pick the stuff up. With 3 seconds left the "roulette" wheel pops up and blocks the entire screen, right as your run up to an ammo pack ... too bad you can't see it anymore. At 2 seconds left everything disappears. Bottom line here is the "roulette" wheel is poorly designed. Just be quick and look up in the sky for the drop. You have less than 8 seconds!

Why isn't there more detailed stats especially at the end of 5 rounds. It would be so cool to see like a critical count, accuracy, anything, get creative with it Borderlands style. I can't believe there are not in-depth stats.

Borderlands Mad Moxxi should have been $5. It is fun though and I've beaten the first set of arenas and will play the next three. Plus it brought me back to Borderlands, I just beat the regular campaign again today with my second character. Mordecai and Brick 4 life! 

Thanks for pausing the wave by the way Gearbox, the worst thing about ODST wave battles was that you could not even take a minute to piss. Jimmys playing that shit for 4-5-8-100 hours plus, fuck that. Props on the break between waves!

I've spent $70 and over 80 hours on Borderlands so far and I'd say it was worth every penny! Don't be a Jimmy!


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