Destiny not coming to PC?

By BatRastered — November 4, 2013
Tags: bungie news next-gen pc

Will we actually see a PC version of Bungie's Destiny in 2014?

In an interview with IGN, Bungie community manager Eric Osborne said:

"It’s a huge challenge to ship four platforms and a massive opportunity to reach a new audience," he said. "We know there are a lot of people out there asking for PC and we know that there are a lot of gamers that would willingly give us money, but what we have to do is make sure we’re focused enough to bring a good experience to any platform that we ship on. What we 100 percent are not going to do is spread ourselves so thin that it negatively harms the other platforms. So right now we have the four platforms, which is a lot to focus on."

The "four platforms" he's referring to are the existing consoles (PS3, 360) and the new ones (PS4, XB1). You can pre-order those version from Amazon. There's no mention of a PC version yet.

This is a big dissapointment. I'm going to have to have a PS4 or XB1 sometime before this comes out now. There's still time for them to change their minds as the new consoles are basically PCs anyway and the game won't even go into Beta until the spring, but it's not looking good.


Destiny Gouki Box Art

15 Stories

Release Date: Sep 9, 2014

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