Community Fan-Made Portal2 Core Replicas

By iorilamia — May 15, 2011
Tags: cores fan-made portal-2 replica video

Wheatly that fits in the palm of your hand!

Youtube user is a crafty dude. He is the same guy who made the Rubix Companion cube last year, and replicates weapons from many other games. Today he brings us something a bit more relevant. Mini fan-made versions of Wheatly, Adventure Sphere, Fact Sphere and Space Sphere! They look like they came straight from Portal 2! Unfortunately he is not marketing/ selling them, so we can only watch in awe over the internet.

And his picture gallery

What do you guys think of his craftsmanship? Super badass nice to me! Leave a comment on what you think, or share any info on other fan-made stuff.

Portal 2

Portal 2 Gouki Box Art

32 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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