Razer Onza hands-on CES 2011 with goukijones

By goukijones — January 10, 2011
Tags: call-of-duty-black-ops ces-2011 demo gameplay hands-on interview microsoft news onza razer razer-onza xbox-360 xbox-360-exclusive

Quick there's a scruffy white dude looking at the xbox controller, send out the cute little Asian girl. Heard. goukijones literally gets a hand all over experience with the new Razer Onza controller for Xbox 360.

Seriously, everything was completely professional. I did not care for this controller at all. I don't like cords and it comes with a 15 foot cord. sad face. There is no confirmed wireless version. The two extra shoulder buttons are programable and that is a cool idea. But they are too close togther. Maybe that would take some getting used to. I was also not impressed with the d-pad. Microsoft just created the twisty d-pad, which is great. The Razer Onza has another flat surface for the d-pad. Jimmy don't like that. The highlight of the controller is the adjustable thumbsticks. I really think that will make a huge differnce in any FPS experience. Hey yo, send me a wired one for free and then maybe I'll consider buying a wireless one.

Razer Onza

Razer Onza

6 Stories

Release Date: Apr 15, 2011

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 44% - Flush it! 11%

negative does not feel like mouse lol but i see the starcraft gear in the background which is incredibbly over priced lol

sheepsmuggler has not rated Razer Onza yet.
Jan 10, 2011 by sheepsmuggler



shamelessbamf has not rated Razer Onza yet.
Jan 10, 2011 by shamelessbamf


the remap button part sounds useful though

shenwoopunch has not rated Razer Onza yet.
Jan 10, 2011 by shenwoopunch

grey walrus

Just seems like another controller to me. I never felt the need to adjust my sticks. I think if I'm going to buy a new controller I'll just buy one of the new MS ones with the twisty d-pad.

grey walrus has not rated Razer Onza yet.
Jan 10, 2011 by grey walrus


was she singaporean?

iorilamia rated Razer Onza Buy it
Jan 10, 2011 by iorilamia


Everything you described is exactly what I want. I never play FPShooters with a wireless controller because of the lag, when I pull the trigger I want someone dead. I do imagine having those extra buttons up there is going to be weird at first but I think it'll help out a good bit. I dont use bumper jumper in Reach so i would make one of those jump so i dont have to take my hand off my thumbstick. In need for speed all of the weapons are on the d-pad, i'll be making that remapped to those buttons so i dont have to take my finger off the sterring wheel, aka, left thumbstick. Only nubs play games with that d-pad so that's not a big factor for me. All in all, exactly what I want. How did the texture of the controller feel? It's supposed to be sweat resistant or some shit.

ThaBrad has not rated Razer Onza yet.
Jan 11, 2011 by ThaBrad


@thabrad - completely ridiculous comment. " I never play FPShooters with a wireless controller because of the lag" What are we talking about tenths of a second? Or even half of that? The d-pad is awful. As far as sweat resistance, that's gotta be something I test hands on. Texture didn't feel any particular way to me.

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goukijones rated Razer Onza Rent it
Jan 11, 2011 by goukijones


@GoukiJones - Hell yes that's what we're talking about. You out of all people should know how fast people move and how fast you're swinging a reticule over someone's head. Difference between a hit and a miss in some cases. Oh nevermind, you don't have to worry about that, In that tank you just have to be close!

ThaBrad has not rated Razer Onza yet.
Jan 12, 2011 by ThaBrad


looks awsome

kof2012 has not rated Razer Onza yet.
Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012

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