Reports of USF4 changes coming in from first Japan location test

By BatRastered — November 21, 2013
Tags: capcom news

What did Bison's standing medium punch start up used to be?

Here's the rumors being reported from Eventhubs. I'd like some more info on these as I'm not sure if half of these are buffs or nerfs, not to mention how the hell Jimmys be telling me something is 4 frames... are they counting?

Anyway, here's the rundown...


- Jaguar Kicks do less damage



- Can no longer cancel crouch Heavy Kick into Ultra


C. Viper

- Burst Time has less smoke effect

- Her Focus Attack is +4 on block.

- Viper's moves have increased start up, but better recovery.

- Her super does more damage.


- Her crouching light kick is now 4f.

- Reports say she does overall less damage and stun.


Dee Jay

- Standing Light Punch start up is 6f.

- Crouching Light Kick start up is 4f.

- Crouching Medium Punch's hit box has been improved.

- Crouching Medium Kick's damage is now 80.

- Crouching Hard Kick's hit box has been improved.

- Air Slasher now has 15 frames of start up, it was 12 in AE.

- Heavy Kick Dread Kicks (Sobat) are now -3 on block. They were -9 in AE.

- His ultra 1 travels further.

E. Honda

- Command grab is now invincible


El Fuerte

- Far Standing Light Punch start up is now 6f.

- Crouching Light Kick is now 4f.

- Crouching Medium Punch's hitbox has been improved.

Evil Ryu

- Health 950

- Crouch Heavy Kick start up is 6 frame

- Can combo into crouch HK now

- Foward Medium Kick has better downward hitbox

- Heavy Axe Kick start up is 25f


- Ultra 1 is 5f start up now, and can be used as an autocorrect.



- Guy's walk speed is faster.

- Crouching medium punch is no longer as strong of an anti air.

- EX Hurricane Kick has a larger hit box, but start up increased from 4f to 6f.

Fei Long

- Can no longer standing Light Punch into Tenshin

- All of his Rekka Kens have been shortened in distance traveled, frame advantage on block may also be nerfed.



- Without oil, crouch medium punch is special cancellable

- Easier to cross up with jump Medium Kick

- Ultra 1 animation is quicker

- Crouch Heavy Kick is 8F

- Stand Heavy Punch hitbox improved

- Oil Rocket reach improved normal is 1.05, EX 1.2

- Air throw damage is 150


- Overhead is now +2 on block



- She's reported to have better normals.

- Ultra 2 is improved.

- It's possible her standing normals can chain/link(?) into her sweep now.

M. Bison

- Light Kick Double Knee Press is -1 on guard

- Teleport has more recovery

- Far stand Medium Punch start up is 6F, can special cancel

- Crouch Heavy Punch start up is 10f


- Can combo into EX Fukiage grounded

- Can jump cancel EX Fukiage on block

- Ultra 1 damage is 440


- Can now FADC Shoryuken on block



- Her Jumping Hard Punch has a larger hittable box, which should make it easier to anti air.

- Light Kick Hurricane Kick is now -1 on block, it was previously 0 on block.



- Stand Light Kick is special cancel

- Gets full hit of Ultra 1 in corner



- Has Dhalsim's jump back Heavy Punch again

- Can no longer cross up jump Heavy Kick



- Blocked Cosmic Heel is +2 frame advantage

- Ultra 2 is now 5f

- Ultra 1 now has invincibility, number of frames currently unknown


• Faster walk speed.

• Shorter start up on Standing Light Kick.

• Yang cross up MK hit box better.


- Tenshin has less range

- Heavy Dragon Kicks no longer have invincible frames

- Stand Medium Punch and crouch Medium Punch damage increase by 10

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