"Shenmue the Animation" Trailer Time To Look For Some Sailors

By goukijones — October 8, 2021
Tags: blog

Originally on the Sega Dreamcast.

Back in the day, FnJimmy and I lived in the same house. When I would go to bed I would sometimes leave my bedroom door cracked open just a bit so I could listen to whatever game FnJimmy was still playing out in the living room. That night it was Shenmue for the Sega Dreamcast. All I remember now is the sound of the main character walking around and asking everyone he came across whether or not they had seen any sailors. 

“Have you seen any sailors?” 
“I’m looking for sailors.” 
“Do you know where I could find some sailors?”

It felt like this went on for hours. As far as I know FnJimmy never played that game again after that night. He could never find the sailors.


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