To Survive The Apocalypse You’ll Need A Good Dropkick "Dying Light 2" Gameplay Trailer

By goukijones — January 16, 2022
Tags: video

There’s also a killer and I mean KILLER Coup De Gras and it’s awesome!

I’ve probably mentioned this before, but at some PAX way back in the day Batrastered, FnJimmy, and myself sat down with one of the Devs of the original Dying Light for a quick play demo. FnJimmy was on the sticks and I don’t remember him doing too terribly. Sad thing is I can’t find any of that footage. But I’m telling you we were there man! Anyway this new Dying Light looks great. The world they show us in this trailer looks like a lot of fun and for sure has some serious parkour action!

Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 Gouki Box Art

11 Stories

Release Date: Feb 4, 2022

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