WWE TLC Matches simulated with Smackdown VS Raw 2011

By goukijones — December 17, 2010
Tags: chairs-match daniel-bryan edge exclusive exclusive-video flaming-table-match fnjimmy glitches-tricks-and-stupid-shits jack-swagger kane kofi-kingston ladder-match rey-mysterio sdvr11-ppv sheamus simulation smackdown-vs-raw-2011 table-match tables-ladders-and-chairs-match the-miz tlc us-championship video wade-barrett world-heavyweight-championship wwe wwe-championship

These videos are part of a series of simulated matches for WWE TLC 2010. Featuring exclusive FNJimmy CAWs. Gouki.com simulated almost every match for TLC 12/19/2010. Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, Alberto Del Rio CAWs. Don't miss the Secret Challengers.

Original card WWE.com


Sheamus vs John Morrison WWE TLC Number 1 Contender Match Ladder Match.

In this match, we see Sheamus and John Morrison wrestle for like the 100th time in the last 3 months. It's ridiculous. Outside Interference!!

1:36 Sheamus strikes first.
2:03 Sheamus destroying.
3:02 Outside Interference!!
4:23 AI is Reh-tard.
6:39 Here come the tables.
7:17 2 at the top of the ladder.
7:30 He flies from the top of the ladder all the way out to the floor.
7:40 Match ends.


Jack Swagger vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston WWE TLC IC Tilte Ladder Match.*

In this match, Jack Swagger takes on Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston in a triple threat ladders match for the Intercontinental Championship.
It's an intense match that last for over 15 minutes. Don't miss the ending and see who comes to the ring to challenge the winner. Secret Challenger!

*This video has been edited for time. It went about 18 minutes total.
2:48 Match begins
2:49 "These two teams are ready to go." The Michael Cole is a virtual reh-tard as well.
3:45 Edited for time. You didn't miss anything.
4:05 "Look at the cockiness of Swagger."
4:47 Edited for time.
5:18 WTF?
6:43 Edited for time.
7:02 Ziggler and Kofi at the top of the later.
7:28 Screen goes dark.
7:57 "I don't know what he's doing with that ladder."
8:40 Swagger trips himself into the ropes.
9:45 Swagger glitches and can't climb the ladder.
10:30 Swagger glitches himself again.
11:23 Kofi and Swagger battle it out on top of the ladder.
12:04 Match ends.
13:05 Secret Challenger.


Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio WWE TLC Chairs Match

In this match, Rey Mysterio even bores the AI crowd with his ring entrance. Alberto Del Rio tries a different approach in getting the match started. Don't miss this explosive and decisive match. Michael Cole is hilarious during this match.

1:11 Match begins.
1:19 Rodriguez!
1:26 Match ends.


Edge vs Kane WWE TLC World Heavyweight Championship Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match

In this match, it's Edge vs Kane in an all out war for the World Heavyweight Championship. The outcome is amazing, the battle to the end is one of the most exciting simulations we have captured to date. 

2:34 Match begins.
2:58 "Did you hear that smack? That's human flesh on that ladder."
4:03 Directly on that table!
4:20 "And the sound of human flesh on the ground echoes around the arena."
5:26 Kane sits up. Vintage Undertaker style.
5:53 Choke slam on the steel stairs.
6:32 The King calls Michael Cole, JR. WTF?
7:18 "Look at the twisted metal."
8:22 Kane climbs the ladder.
8:29 Kane falls from the ladder.
8:56 "Vintage Kane!"
9:14 Kane is stuck outside the right.
9:35 Edge turns things around.
10:53 Kane climbs the ladder.
11:15 Both wrestlers at the top of the ladder.
11:59 Match ends.


Randy Orton vs The Miz WWE TLC WWE Champioship Table Match

In this match, Randy Orton and The Miz square off in a dramatic table match that is 7 minutes of hell. Don't miss the ending and see who comes to the ring to challenge the winner. Secret Challenger!

2:33 Match begins.
4:03 "Oh! Directly on that table!" - flat on the ground table.
6:00 Running table shots.
6:57 "Oh! Directly on that table!" - a table that is standing straight up.
8:28 The Mizard of Oz!
8:44 Skull crushing finale.
8:45 Match ends.
9:40 Secret Challenger.


John Cena vs Wade Barrett WWE TLC Chairs match

In this match, John Cena finally get to face Wade Barrett and attempt to destroy the Nexus once and for all. This is a Chairs match!

2:14 Match begins.
2:30 John Cena grabs something from the crowd.
2:46 John Cena goes for a chair.
3:22 DropTheBelt.com sign can be seen in the crowd.
3:41 Wade Barrett lookin' like Rey Mysterio.
4:25 John Cena takes one right on the grill.
4:40 Wade Barrett fail.
5:06 You can't see me.
5:14 John Cena goes on a chair rampage.
6:10 Wade Barrett gets into it with a fan.
6:28 John Cena grabs something else from the crowd.
7:08 Attitude Adjustment
7:25 Match ends.
8:12 John Cena and Wade Barrett call a truce?


Daniel Bryan vs FNJimmy WWE TLC US Championship Flaming Table Match

In this match, scratch that. FNJimmy said we would be able to recreate every match for WWE TLC 2010. Except he does not have a Layla and the THQ mystery DLC pack that includes Layla is still a mystery.
So we put FNJimmy in a Title match against his very owns CAWs, Daniel Bryan. Good luck Jimmy. Oh and it's a flaming table match.

2:38 Match begins.
3:52 DropTheBelt.com sign can be seen in the crowd.
4:04 FNJimmy sets up a table and then acts like a Jimmy.
4:24 Daniel Bryan just pounding the shit out of FNJimmy.
7:13 FNJimmy turns the tide of the match.
8:33 Gouki.com sign can be seen in the crowd.
9:27 Table on fire!
11:31 So close.
12:12 FNJimmy putting in work on Daniel Bryan.
13:35 Match ends.

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Gouki Box Art

21 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 26, 2010

Buy it! 37% - Rent it! 32% - Flush it! 32%
DE bad shot

rolls eyes

DE bad shot has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Dec 17, 2010 by DE bad shot


That was fun can't wait until the Royal Rumble.

fnjimmy has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Dec 17, 2010 by fnjimmy


I died a little inside...

Cinderkin rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Rent it
Dec 18, 2010 by Cinderkin


Ok Jimmys I know nobody watches pro-wrestling on Gouki.com, but you have to admit. The game is pretty sweet for being able to do this. You know Jimmys been doing it with Madden's for years. This makes sense too. Jimah! Number 1 in the World!

goukijones rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Rent it
Dec 19, 2010 by goukijones


pull out some more tables ladders and chairs and lets rumble begin

kof2012 rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Flush it
Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012

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