Shadow Complex

Tags: chair-entertainment jimmy-gems jimmy-gem-winner microsoft-game-studios shadow-complex summer-of-arcade xbla xbox-360-exclusive xbox-live

Shadow Complex

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 19, 2009

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2009 Jimmy Gems winner: Best Xbox 360 Exclusive. Shadow Complex is presented in 2.5D format; the game world is fully three-dimensional, but the player can only move in two dimensions, simulating the environment of a classic side-scrolling video game. Enemies can, however, move in any direction, and auto-aim is utilized to allow the player to fire at nearby enemies or objects both inside and outside of the 2D plane. The player can use the right control stick to aim with a laser sight. Gameplay in Shadow Complex was inspired by Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. The gameplay takes many cues from Metroid: the player can move freely throughout the expansive game world, defeating enemies with a variety of weapons, and as they overcome challenges, they gain new abilities and weapons which allow them to reach new areas.

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