Community Arthvader Fights: Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition matches from 12-6-2012

By Arthvader — December 6, 2012
Tags: akuma arthvader-fights chun-li elena oro ranked-matches remy street-fighter-3-online-edition video

I'm back with more matches for you viewers to see. Today's more of a variety pick of characters.

Welcome again to another installment of Arthvader Fights. Here, you will see some of my more recent ranked matches that i have participated in. Instead of just sticking to one character today, I've decided to spice things up and had matches with a variety of characters I've been using fairly recently. I do hope you enjoy watching these matches as much as I had in fighting in them.

These Matches were fought on and uploaded on 12-6-2012:

Arthvader043088 (Chun-Li) Vs. Neon Brahmin (Alex):


Arthvader043088 (Remy) Vs. MadCustard (Alex):


Wimim (Q) Vs. Arthvader043088 (Akuma):


WiMim (Necro) Vs. Arthvader043088 (Elena):


Arthvader043088 (Oro) Vs. Amphichiral (Hugo):

Tell me what you thinks of these fights? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to vote and share. Don't be a Jimmy!!

Find these and more of my matches in 3rd Stike in my 3rd Strike playlist on youtube:

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Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition

26 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 23, 2011

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