PonyKart another fan made game for My Little Pony (UPDATE!)

By Aragrist — February 20, 2012
Tags: preview

New Update to Pony-Kart. This video shows the concept art and is Narrated by one of the head designers and shows in game animations and sounds.

Have a look at the PreAphla design. It's a very Mario Kartish style game that currently copies the graphic style as well. Being that this is an early build of a fan made game these visuals could change dramatically over the next month or two and more closely resemble the shows visuals rather than Mario Karts visuals. Still this is impressive stuff coming from a new start up in the Indie game developers arena.

[UPDATED] Feb 20, 2012 3:58:35 PM 5 minutes ago by Aragrist | Edit | Delete

New video of the creation process involved in making a Kart racing game involving Ponies.

The following video is narrated by one of the designers on the team and he takes you through all the current improvments and concept art that is going into this fan game.


looks pretty sweet, not that I'm into my little pony but seems well made.

Feb 20, 2012 by xplux24


I'm just waiting for the MMORPG pony game or the old school story based RPG for MLP that's in the works. That and Fighting is Magic.

Feb 21, 2012 by Daisymare


Not a Pony fan, but the game looks good for being fan made.

Feb 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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