Community Armagetron Advanced: A Tron lightcycle online game and it's free

By Phresh — January 11, 2011
Tags: blog free lightcycles multiplayer tron

It's a free downloadable game for your computer about the speeder bike part of Tron

Find downloads on the side bar and choose which version to download depending on your computer.

It's got online multiplayer, it's customizable, and you can host your own server, all for free. It's a simple game so it has a very quick download and small file size too. 

The premise is everyone has a speeder bike. The game is a few years old and was based on the first Tron movie so the bikes move on 90 degree turns (except not on all servers). In the most basic mode, everyone is just trying to kill each other by outmanuevering opponents and forcing opponents to run into a wall. There are other modes such as fortress where you try to capture the enemies base by occupying it while you or your teammates defend your own base. There are a variety of other modes such as capture the flag or races because all the content is user created.

There you have it. It's free downloadable game so try it out if you want.


I checked out the site. It seems pretty cool.

Jan 11, 2011 by goukijones


whaoh, thanks Phresh

Jan 11, 2011 by iorilamia


at least it is free compared to the movie game....

Jan 12, 2011 by shenwoopunch


Way to go Phresh Ghost! Thanks for posting!

Jan 12, 2011 by Cinderkin


ill check it out

Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012


Games been going on since 2003, everyone who plays now will get manhandled by the pros such as myself

May 8, 2011 by Phresh

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