By fnjimmy —
September 20, 2009
FML! I'm gonna play Ghostbusters on Professional!
- Well let tell you what happen I was at school doing work before I left the room to get something I last remember putting my Iphone in my hand, and the next I'm leaving to my truck to find out WTF did I do with my phone. Now all I have is a go phone from Best Buy because my contract expires in July so since they don't and I mean Apple have lost or theif warrenty that there charging me $500 or add another line and waste 20 extra dollars on my bill. I've been so sad that I went back to playing Ghostbusters on professional, it was a pain in the ass but I finally beat it and got more trophies I tell you the only thing that makes that hard is the A.I. When I go for the revival I do it quick oh but if the computer has to revive you they take 5 mins. to position themselves so they can revive and by that time you all dead so big pain in the ass. But I still recommend this game fun, story awesome acting is brilliant same guys from the movies. And the controls right on the fning money. If you haven't play it yet your differentially missing out it's the 3rd movie you need to play it. Alrighty then I'm done fuck you apple and thank god for Ghostbusters peace,