Batman Arkham Asylum Collector's Edition Unboxing

By goukijones — September 12, 2009
Tags: batman-arkham-asylum unboxing video xbox-360

This is a true story ...

I really thought the batarang was going to be a little bit more serious.

The game is well worth it though. Buy the regular version.

Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham Asylum Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

5 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 25, 2009

Buy it! 82% - Rent it! 14% - Flush it! 4%

That scratched-up, plastic, non-detachable piece of shit is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

iPhone post!

Batrastered has not rated Batman Arkham Asylum yet.
Sep 12, 2009 by Batrastered


That batarang cant be more disappointing than the halo 3 legendary edition helmet

FrankTheTank has not rated Batman Arkham Asylum yet.
Sep 14, 2009 by FrankTheTank


I love to watch collector's editions get unboxed. Too bad the batarang is a disappointing piece of crap. I'm looking at the regular version, but absolutely not the collector's edition.

jalexbrown rated Batman Arkham Asylum Buy it
Sep 17, 2009 by jalexbrown


@FrankTheTank - Yes it can! The fuckin' thing doesn't even come off the stand. And every single one I've heard about has been scratched to shit. At least the halo 3 helmet looks cool.

BatRastered rated Batman Arkham Asylum Buy it
Sep 18, 2009 by BatRastered


Popular again.

goukijones rated Batman Arkham Asylum Buy it
Mar 9, 2010 by goukijones


That collector's edition is soo AWESOME!! I still see some lying around in GameStop or at Wal-Mart. If i had a chance, I would go and get it.

Arthvader rated Batman Arkham Asylum Buy it
Oct 25, 2010 by Arthvader


Haha it looked cool until i found out you cant take it off of the little statue post thingy

GreenFire999 has not rated Batman Arkham Asylum yet.
Nov 7, 2010 by GreenFire999


I like Jack Daniels.

JimmyJenkins has not rated Batman Arkham Asylum yet.
Jan 1, 2011 by JimmyJenkins


You mentioned cracking skulls. That's probably the reason why it was plastic and unuseable. Because of stupid kids.

Phresh rated Batman Arkham Asylum Buy it
Jan 25, 2011 by Phresh


i only use it to dispense justice

SonicZero rated Batman Arkham Asylum Buy it
Feb 8, 2011 by SonicZero


Hope you guys get something better with the new game. Collector's Editions really need to step up the swag and lower the freaking prices, dropping over $100 on a game that isn't a true collectible is crazy. Unless of course you can write it off.

DragonKiss83 rated Batman Arkham Asylum Rent it
May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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