Community Battlefield 3 DLC fiasco
By SamGamer —
June 14, 2011
Battlefield 3 was marketed well but EA are back to what they do best. Ruin the experience. This is about the whole "Exclusive DLC" promotion and why gamers are angry at EA and DICE.
Let's be honest, Battlefield 3 is one of our anticipated games this year. EA and DICE have done well to market the game and almost diminish the popularity of the new COD franchise. Battlefield 3 won the crowd at E3 with their playable demo last week, but it seems like the first real mistake from EA on BF3 has emerged and possible can hurt them badly.
Last week EA, in an attempt to encourage people in UK to pre-order the game included the "Physical Warfare Pack" as an exclusive pre-order bonus. It includes an exclusive LMG, a flash suppressor attachment and flechette ammo. Fans aren't happy about EA forcing people to buy the game before the release by offering exclusive items from 'specific' retail shops. They are basically force to get access to the full equipment arsenal. This angered the fans and the 'Boycott BF3' movement was formed by redditors. Last couple of days /r/gaming has been busy with both angry and funny posts on the whole DLC fiasco.
Even @notch, the developer of minecraft reacted to this via twitter.
"When I make a movie, it will have different exclusive scenes added to it depending on what cinema you go to. #subtle" -@ notch
EA responded to official "Battlefield 3" blog after the reddit thread started picking up steam. EA representative defended his position on Launch DLC for BF3 by saying that "Owning these items will give you a more varied arsenal, but it will not give you a significant advantage on the battlefield." Here's the point. Most people buy the damn game to play multiplayer. When they don't get the full package they get angry and that's understandable. EA is persistant with their stand and say "they were chosen not to be overpowered or imbalance or break the game in anyway" If EA wants to encourage people to buy it why not provide everyone the equal arsenal. As always EA doesn't change their mind unless someone proves them they are wrong and embarrass them in public forums like the old BFBC days.
Yes! EA attempted the same DLC practice with "Battlefield: Bad Company" but ended up pulling back after a boycott on complained about the balance issues associated with exclusive weapons and equipment in a multiplayer shooter. Both @EA and @Battliefield twitter handles have been receiving much hate every hour. Most of them saying they have cancelled the pre-order. Let's hope EA pulls back this crap too like the BFBC bs.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Oct 25, 2011