Bayman Dead or Alive 5 Combo Video. Pre Release Footage

By cinderkin — September 18, 2012
Tags: combo-videos video

EMPER0RC0W has posted a new combo video for Dead or Alive 5 build version 0.75 featuring Bayman one of the few grapple characters in the game.

From YouTube:

In this combo video I thought of showcasing what a grappler can do for a change. Bayman has a lot moves and strings that lead to untechable knockdowns all guaranteeing ground throws. In addition, he has a good selection of Offensive holds (Throws with Hold properties.. beating out strikes) that make his offense quite deadly. In addition to sit down stuns, Bayman also has the ability to cause turn around stuns and Limbo stuns all of which guarantee follow ups.

What do you think about Bayman? Is he one of your favorites? Who is your main character?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Dead or Alive 5

Dead or Alive 5 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 25, 2012

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