E3 2019 - Be Amazed Final Fantasy VII Remake Gameplay Reveal

By goukijones — June 15, 2019
Tags: e3-2019 ff7 ffvii gameplay preview remake trailer

You've got to see it for yourself. Does Square Enix have a perfect blend of action and strategy? You be the judge.

Absolutely sick. This game is a remake and will not be like the original. It’s supposedly releasing in episodes and episode 1 is the entire Midgar City Quest/Mission. In the original game, Midgar was the starting area and once you left Midgar, you were out in open world.

I’ve bookmarked below where the E3 2019 Square Enix Press Conference begins to cover the mechanics of Final Fantasy VII.

Tactical Mode looks like the best thing for an active combat mode in an RPG. It doesn't look it’s like FFXII where you would set your tactics BEFORE the fighting, in FFVII it looks like you’re doing a lot of it in real time. You can see the player switches to Barret, Cloud puts his sword up to block, he takes some small damage and is getting pushed back on the battlefield. After watching all of this footage for a second time, this is easily my most anticipated game coming in early 2020.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is scheduled for a worldwide release on March 3, 2020. Pre-order from Amazon.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake Gouki Box Art

6 Stories

Release Date: Apr 10, 2020

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This game looks absolutely amazing. I think I will play this one myself. Thanks for the great review.

sugarninja rated Final Fantasy VII Remake Buy it
Jun 17, 2019 by sugarninja

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