Community Best Kinect Peripheral ever

By DragonKiss83 — May 8, 2011
Tags: kinect news

if you are a total jimmy

At first it looked like a joke, but they have a price of $13 for it on Amazon.  First of all I'm sure your mom will think you look very cool sitting on her couch with this.  Second it's fot the Kinect, an add on that was designed to keep you from having to use a controller.  WTF?  The saddest part is you know they are going to sell a ton of these stupid things.  


And just incase you can't live with out it


Oh man, reminds me just like the Wii one.

May 8, 2011 by iorilamia


Peripherals aren't a bad idea for the Kinect. To many people bash it before even trying it. Anyway Kinect is fun with a group of friends, and I think holding a peripheral is much better than waving your arms like a jackass. People said Guitar Hero was a bad idea and look at the Music Genre now. Kinect doesn't have that big of an appeal to the hardcore crowd, but I have one and I boot it up every once in a while for a good laugh, fun, and workout. I would actually buy this steering wheel if the Kinect Support for Forza 4 is really good. Because it's a lot cheaper than buying a racing wheel. By the way people said racing wheels looked stupid too.

May 8, 2011 by Cinderkin


It's clear. They're trying ...

May 8, 2011 by goukijones


I guess Cinder has a point, but so far the only reason I'ld pick it up is for my son.

May 8, 2011 by DragonKiss83


And now we can add best use of a Kinect

May 12, 2011 by DragonKiss83


damn look at that old school steering wheel

May 17, 2011 by kof2012

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