Beyond Good and Evil HD Coming to Xbox Live Arcade!

By Cinderkin — September 30, 2010
Tags: beyond-good-and-evil hd news xbla

Ubisoft has announced that Beyond Good & Evil will be coming to the Xbox Live Arcade next year with 1080p HD visuals.

This HD version will come with revamped character models, overhauled textures and a remastered soundtrack. And of course, there'll be achievements.

Developed by Rayman creator Michael Ancel, Beyond Good & Evil starred the sassy Jade, a young freelance photographer whose homeland of Hlllys is attacked by a malevolent alien race known as the DomZ. Jade's photgraphy and reporting skills are put to the test when she's called up to expose a huge conspiracy and help bring the war between the people of Hillys and the DomZ to an end.



No price or specific date has been announced for Beyond Good & Evil HD other than a release window of 2011. Is anyone else looking forward to this?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!



Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012


Downloaded the demo and still haven't played it

May 3, 2011 by Phresh

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