Bizarre Creations Officially Gets Shut Down.

By Cinderkin — February 15, 2011
Tags: bizarre-creations news

The Liverpool based developer Bizarre Creations gets shut down. Activision is pulling the plug.

Activision was originally trying to sell the company Bizarre Creations back in November, but now it seems that they weren't able to sell. Activision has decided to shut down Bizarre (developers of PGR, Blood Stone, and Blur).

Develop reports that sources inside Bizarre seem positive regarding the way in which Activision is conducting the closure, although it's also said that the publisher "meddled" in certain projects and failed to support games with the level of marketing they required. Blur and James Bond: Blood Stone's recent poor performance at retail reflect this.

Bizarre Creations was famous for PGR, Blur, and Metropolis Speed Racer (Dreamcast). Even the not so good games like 007 Blood Stone and The Club. With over 200 employees Bizarre Creations will be missed by plenty.

Source: Game Informer


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