Borderlands 2 Luck of the Zaffords weekend run is dissapointing

By BatRastered — March 17, 2013
Tags: blog video wildrant

St Patrick's Day weekend, and Gearbox is running a special Luck of the Zaffords promotion. What did we find? Not what we were expecting, but we did get some video of two loot goon goliaths going at each other.

Gearbox announced that all this weekend, from Thursday through Sunday, we would have increased drop rates and better quality shields. They also gave out codes to some green costumes. I ran through Thousand Cuts once by myself, and then once with Zero2990,  then once with FnJimmy and GoukiJones. I seemed to find a lot of blue class mods, but nothing else of note. Zero even tweeted: "@GearboxSoftware 1 purple in 3 days and 0/100 on The Bee drop. I think your event is broken." 

After the last run through, GoukiJones, FnJimmy, and I hit up Frostburn Canyon to see about getting a loot goon to drop something. We ended up getting 3 of them! At one point we had two loot goons fighting each other. After leveling a couple of them up to GOD-liath status, we were met with nothing but green and white items in the chests (and one blue gun dropped).

We also fought several bosses including the Bunker, Scorch, and Spycho. The Bunker dropped a Bitch SMG (non-elemental so I wasn't interested) and a fairly good purple explosive nova shield. Shorch and Spycho dropped nothing. Nada. Zilch.

I think once your character hits the level cap, the game should scale the weapon rarity and not drop any whites anymore. It's bad enough that the vending machines are full of white gear... I'm level 50, bitch, have been for some time now, I don't even look at drops unless they're blue or better. Come on!

I'm dying for a level cap increase now, allegedly they will announce something at PAX east, but that may be too late as Bioshock comes out that week!

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 18, 2012

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