Borderlands 2 skill trees are live. How will you build your first character?

By BatRastered — September 8, 2012
Tags: blog

Borderlands 2 lends itself to being played through multiple times, but with the full-on list of skills, which path will you take for your first play through?

Check out the different skill trees:

Maya (siren):

Salvador (gunzerker):

Axton (commando):

Zero: (assasin):

For the PAX demo, I played as Maya and went all the way down the cataclysm skill tree (we were started at level 32, just enough to reach the bottom of a tree if you specialized). Let me tell you, she was wrecking shop. The last skill in that tree is called "Ruin" which says "Phaselock now slags, electrocutes, and corrodes ALL nearby enemies". F YES! Every enemy was covered in 3 or 4 status effects at any given time. That plus a nice corrosive SMG = pwnage! 

Let's hear your plans for your first playthrough! Sound off in the comments.


Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 18, 2012

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