Community Breath of Fire 4 heading to PSN

By dragonkiss83 — July 31, 2011
Tags: breath-of-fire-iv jrpg news psn

There are so many great series that are worth replaying or trying out if you've somehow missed them, Breath of Fire has a spot on that list. source

If you were a fan of the series you'll be hyped to see it showing up on PSN August 16th.  If not read on and you might decide to give it a try.

Your main character it Ryu, a badass who can transform into dragons.  He is out to stop this immortal evil emperor from destroying the world.  

Like any good jrpg you will collect a team that brings their own flavor to the fight.    And these characters are more than just canon fodder.  You also get a great soundtrack that is more than just background music.  The score is epic and helps you get into the story as it builds.    The graphics are pretty dated so maybe if we are lucky they'll clean them up a bit.  But this game is a must buy and hopefully they will put a fair price on it.

I hate that the computer I'm using now has so many issues because I really want to get more into the story, but it's crashed on me twice already.

So if you are a fan of rpgs and have that chance buy it Jimmy!


badass but breath of fire 3 is KING!!!!!!!!

Jul 31, 2011 by blazemanx


I'm looking forward to this! Alright!

Aug 1, 2011 by reipuerto


looks cool

Aug 5, 2011 by kof2012

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