Brutal Legend review

By BatRastered — September 25, 2009
Tags: Brutal-Legend Double-Fine PS3 review Tim-Schafer xbox-360

After some hands-on with Brutal Legend, what's the verdict?

Brutal Legend is a good looking game with some serious production values. It's basically a hack-and-slash 3-d platformer mashup. The animation is great and the dialogue and voice acting (featuring Jack Black) are top-notch. You can certainly expect some laughs while playing through this game. It feels like you're controlling a Jack Black animated feature.

You have two basic weapons, your axe and your guitar. Your axe functions much like you'd expect it to, with decapitated and bisected enemies strewn about in its wake. Your guitar allows you to shoot either some sort of lightning, or pyro effects. The pyro allows you to knock enemies up in the air, where you can knock them out baseball style with your axe.

The controls are tight while on foot, but tend to get a little loose when you're in your vehicle. Like most third person 3-d games, this one too suffers from some camera issues. There are options to set the camera speed, and those help, but a re-center type button would've been nice. One of the boss battles has you driving your car, but the camera is panned out and not behind you which creates a bit of steering trouble (for me anyway).

The finished game also includes a muliplayer mode, which should add some replayability to this title.

If you like the hack-and-slash or 3-d platformer genre, I'm sure you won't be dissapointed with this game. Me, I love everthing about this game, except playing it. It's really not my style, game-play wise. I'd love to watch someone else play through it. I would definitely try before you buy, especially if you have an XBox live gold account, as you can download the demo right now, for free. If you're one of those people who loved Psychonauts so much that you still talk about, well, WTF are you doing reading this, don't you have a pre-order to pick up?

Brutal Legend

Brutal Legend Gouki Box Art

4 Stories

Release Date: Oct 13, 2009

Buy it! 29% - Rent it! 38% - Flush it! 33%

Verdict: Rent It


Rent it heard!

goukijones rated Brutal Legend Rent it
Sep 25, 2009 by goukijones


There's no way this game is any good based on premise alone.

choke has not rated Brutal Legend yet.
Sep 25, 2009 by choke

crimson relic

I'm definitely gonna gamefly this. I love all of the music that's in the game and I just wanna go through it to see all of the rock references.

crimson relic has not rated Brutal Legend yet.
Oct 7, 2009 by crimson relic


OK i have a serious problem here. did u just rate an entire game on a demo. it seems like it, which would go to say that you have no idea what the finished product is like. If you claim that something is a rent title then you should at least have played through the entire game. You don't list any details and your writing is sloppy at best. I disagree completely with you after extensive research on the game. If I'm wrong someone tell me but you had better back it up with facts. As of right now you are an idiot in my book sir. The huge list of possible customizations the giant track list, the multiple upgrades and the whole structure of the game were left out of your review as well as the depth of the multiplayer and the fact that the game has numerous RTS elements. frankly all i see is a few broad references and a weak writing voice. This is insulting how do you even call yourself a gamer. pathetic. And one more thing u spell multiplayer with a "T". Have you ever even heard of editorializing, its the act of putting in bias and basing everything you say off of your opinion. if you say something back it up fool. oh and the fighting mechanics improve over time with new combos and new moves using the guitar. dumbass

tman22 has not rated Brutal Legend yet.
Oct 7, 2009 by tman22


Ladies and gentleman Jack Black is in the house!

choke has not rated Brutal Legend yet.
Oct 8, 2009 by choke


Look, if you want to pick on someone for a typo, you should first make sure your post isn't plagued by lack of proper punctuation, capitalization or use of the wrong "its" throughout.

Grammar aside, a review is a subjective opinion by definition. If you want facts, you can read the back of the box when you get to the store. The only fact here is that when it comes to this game, I will choose to rent it over buying it because I don't believe I will play through it more than once. Regardless of how many tracks or RTS elements it has.

I'm not sure why my "rent it" is somehow "insulting" to you, but buy it if you like, it's a free country. We even put a link to pre-order it right there below the story. :)

BatRastered rated Brutal Legend Rent it
Oct 8, 2009 by BatRastered


Why the fuck are you talking about RTS? It's a hack and slash. Not that there's anything wrong with that. All that translates to is more combos at the end of the game than at the beginning. In the demo I drove some car around so does that make this game a Lego racer aswell?


goukijones rated Brutal Legend Rent it
Oct 10, 2009 by goukijones


I'm all over this game, when I can afford it. Pure fucking metal!

tman22, you're my favorite person ever. Why? I don't know. Welcome to my favorite person club buddy.

Core has not rated Brutal Legend yet.
Oct 12, 2009 by Core


C'mon obviously don't know the first thing about reviewing a game. I wish you had even the slightest clue how many professional reviewers don't complete a game they're reviewing for a number of reasons, number one usually being a rush to review the game prior to release. If you don't like the review, play the game, draw your own opinions, and have fun. It's having to deal with people like you that takes all the fun out of reviewing games. What an overly serious prick.

PS: For someone who criticizes one typo, you're post is plagued with idiotic problems. Firstly, you're so lazy that you use capital letters at random. Secondly, you're terribly confused about the difference between its/it's. Thirdly, I'm sorry to say this, but your idiocy is showing. Good day, sir.

jalexbrown has not rated Brutal Legend yet.
Oct 14, 2009 by jalexbrown


I played it. I enjoyed everything I think ... Except the RTS. Read my review. Still a rent.

goukijones rated Brutal Legend Rent it
Oct 19, 2010 by goukijones


i played the demo and it was pretty fun

blazemanx rated Brutal Legend Buy it
Feb 4, 2011 by blazemanx


Played the demo, had fun, but not super impressed. I'll pick it up in a buy one get one sale or something and give it a chance, but I don't see my opinion changing.

DragonKiss83 rated Brutal Legend Rent it
Feb 10, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Yeah, demo wasn't a good representation of the final product

Phresh rated Brutal Legend Buy it
May 15, 2011 by Phresh

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