Bungie starts countdown to Destiny (the game) to be revealed Feb 17th

By BatRastered — February 12, 2013
Tags: activision announcement bungie destiny news

Another mid February announcement is... uh... announced. This one by Bungie, where we will hear about their new project "Destiny".

In the continuing trend of announcements of announcements, Bungie have announced that they will formally announce their new IP named "Destiny" on February 17, 2013. 

They've gone so far as to launch several new social media channels for the project:

"In a matter of days, we're going to give you your first glimpse into the vision and ambition that's driving the creation of our brave new world. To make room for the resulting chatter, we've launched some official social media channels."

Check out @DestinyTheGame on twitter and their Facebook page. You can also browse their official Destiny forums.

Don't expect too much out of those channels until the official announcement on the 17th.


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