Cardiac Arrest Initiator or Kinect Fruit Ninja E3 2011 Exclusive

By goukijones — June 21, 2011
Tags: dev-talk e3-2011 exclusive halfbrick kinect-fruit-ninja machine-gun-jetpack pictures screen-shots

Exclusive: I spent about an hour hanging out with the HalfBrick crew at E3. I ate a lot of their sandwiches and played 3 of their newest games. Fruit Ninja PC, Kinect Fruit Ninja and Machine Gun Jetpack. E3 2011.

This is what Fruit Ninja for PC looks like. (Gouki logo not included.)

This is going to be huge on Facebook. The leader board resets weekly so Jimmys is gonna be passing out some 2:00 in the mornings on a Sunday trying to catch Duncan Curtis. That guy in first place, I played him. Cheatin'! God mode. 

The game is Fruit Ninja, fruit flies up into the air and you cut it with your mouse. It's simple, it's fun, it should addict with no problem. 

Kinect Fruit Ninja

Then I was presented Kinect Fruit Ninja. I must have looked like some fool in front of those people. I was whacking the shit out of that fruit. You can use your feet and kick at the screen. I shook my head a little when I realized, Jimmys is gonna be killin' themselves. This is cool, an interesting fact about Kinect Fruit Ninja is that it is the first Kinect XBLA game. That is an honor for HalfBrick and the Fruit Ninja crew. Congratulations on that.

This is also means Kinect Fruit Ninja has gotta be less than $20 bucks right. Probably even $15. doesn't even have a Kinect, so unless somebody is getting us a Kinect, I will only base my telling you that Kinect Fruit Ninja is cool, from the heart attack I almost had after round housing the shit out of that indestructible fruit at the end of the demo. Hey I beat the last guy that went before me. Not a nuab, heard. Later I saw a Jimmy whack that fruit 172 times. My high score was 32. That guy was pro at E3 2011.

When I first arrived at the HalfBrick meeting I noticed they had just got fresh sandwiches. I hadn't eaten at all this point, so I grabbed a roast beef. I ate that sandwich and watched Duncan destroy fruit on the PC. Then I had another sandwich. I was hungry Jimmy, this was day 3 of the craziest E3 I ever ben hads to. I had back to back appointments for 3 days in a row. I ate the most horrible veggie sandwich in the 2K booth, because I just missed the fresh batch getting swarmed. That was cool though, I had just seen Bioshock. What I'm trying to say is thank you HalfBrick for sharing your sandwiches with me. I was starving. 

Machine Gun Jetpack

After I had another sandwich, I sat down and amazed Ben Vale with my screen tapping. Machine Gun Jetpack is just a simple iPhone App. Just like Fruit Ninja. It's going to be a dollar or two I'm sure. It's going to be a hit. You just tap the screen to maneuver the little jetpack Jimmy who shoots bullets to stay a float, while the side scrolling never stops. You can get different power ups and amaze the producer with your skills as you PWN the teleport power up with your first try. I love it when somebody is watching and is impressed. Thank you, I work very hard not to look like a n00b. Keep your eyes open for Machine Gun Jetpack.

So if any Gouki Members are interested in playing these games let us know in the comments. I'm trying to sauce HalfBrick up for some free codes. If you have a Kinect you better prove it to me. Don't be a Jimmy! Link to a picture of you and your Kinect in the comments. Creativity is key.

Thank you again to HalfBrick for the time at E3 2011. 


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