Check out the line to play Borderlands 2 at E3!
By BatRastered —
June 22, 2012
BatRastered takes a handheld camera on a tour around the 2K booth at E3 2012 to show you just how long the line to play Borderlands 2 was.
This line was about two hours long from what I could tell, you got to play for 20 minutes once you got up there. You could play BL2 without waiting in line in the MS booth, these people either didn't know this, or just wanted the T-shirt from 2K (after seeing how much they go for on EBay, I'm inclined to think it was the T-shirt). This was the same demo from PAX East, if you wanted to play the new demo with all 4 heroes, you had to have an appointment inside the booth... we did, it was awsome, and the "fastest 30 minutes of my life" according to GoukiJones.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 18, 2012