Community Chinese Prisoners Forced to Play MMO's?

By DragonKiss83 — May 26, 2011
Tags: china mmo news

China may need to work on their punishments.

From a country that has had some brutal treatment of people, this throws me off.  Maybe if they were forcing them to play some crappy games.  If you don't earn enough you get beaten, but in most cases you're going to get beaten anyhow.  About 300 prisoners have been forced to play 12 hours at a time.  Chinese officials say it's not happening because they wouldn't allow the inmates to have contact with the outside world.

What do you think about this?  When you consider how much money people have made by selling items and characters in various MMO's it makes sense.  The other manual labor that prisoners are forced to do can be much harder on them so in comparison this really isn't so bad.  Would you rather be digging holes, picking up trash in the sun, or playing MMO's?


Keep in mind the prisoners aren't getting any of the money, but prisoners here in the US only make small amounts for the work they do.  And they are getting beaten, so there is definite mistreatment there.  I wonder where they came up with the idea to do this?  Do any of you doubt they are doing it?  Should it be adapted here, you know minus the beatings?


Most MMO's are extremely boring, so that is a ton of punishment. Now if it was street fighter and whoever makes TOP 8 doesn't get beaten then I'm ok with that..... Wait what am I saying. lol

May 26, 2011 by Cinderkin


Beat em all!

May 26, 2011 by goukijones

grey walrus

I think it's a pretty bad punishment. I hate MMO's. And playing one for 12 hours at a time would drive me insane.

May 26, 2011 by grey walrus

DragonKiss83 Here is another source that actually has a little more info.

May 26, 2011 by DragonKiss83


yeah dude kick the shit out of those mmos its either that or a sweat shop

May 27, 2011 by kof2012


lol or is that thailand

May 27, 2011 by kof2012

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