Community Console News and Update

By LegendaryLonewolf — May 18, 2011
Tags: news ps3 update xbox-360

On the latest articles of IGN by Daniel Krupa:


Early reports suggest that Sony's request for PlayStation Network users to reset their passwords could have inadvertently exposed the network to a new set of attacks.

The exploit allows hackers to change user passwords via the PSN password reset page, using just two pieces of information -- a PSN account email address and a date of birth -- both of which could have been obtained in the original breach.

The exploit was initially reported by Nyleveia, but the story has since been confirmed by Eurogamer, who claim to have seen video evidence corroborating Nyleveia's claims.

As a consequence, the PSN sign-in is currently down on a number of Sony's sites.

Update: Sony has commented on the situation. In a post on the official PlayStation Blog, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications and Social Media Patrick Seybold noted: "We temporarily took down the PSN and Qriocity password reset page. Contrary to some reports, there was no hack involved. In the process of resetting of passwords there was a URL exploit that we have subsequently fixed." Seybold encourages consumers to reset their passwords directly on their PS3s if they haven't done so already.


It appears that the new Xbox LIVE update, which will introduce support for the new XGD3 disk format, might prevent a very small number of Xbox 360 owners from playing retail game discs.

Kotaku were contacted by a reader who received an email from Microsoft informing him that it had detected via Xbox LIVE that his Xbox (a 60GB Pro from 2009) was affected. Microsoft has offered to replace his console with a new Xbox 360S with 250GB hard drive at no expense.

The email has since been verified by Xbox Support via their official Twitter account.

The XGD3 format will allow for additional storage space on a game disc, and will provide additional levels of copy production.

The Xbox LIVE Spring update will be rolled out between May 19 to May 30.

Update: Microsoft has confirmed that a "a very small number" of consoles are affected. This fault manifests itself as a 'disc unreadable' or 'disc unsupported' error on the screen. Microsoft said it is able to detect this issue over Xbox Live and are proactively reaching out to customers that may be impacted to replace their console.

I found this info to be very important to gamers out there so I wanted to share it with everyone. So what do you think? Leave your info on the comments below and be adults about it. I hate this PS vs. XBOX thing... it's a pain.


So many sites jumped on the Sony downtime, and the sad part is after Sony confirmed what really happened, many sites didn't update. Also, people were even posting on the Sony forums freaking out "omg I heard blahbahblah" You are on the official website d-bag, or even better, try to turn on your PS3.

May 18, 2011 by iorilamia


It looks like you lose no matter what system you have. Sony has online issues, Microsoft won't play games, an Nintendo made the Wii. The 360 issue isn't that big of a deal and they are offering to replace your system. Sony shut down their PSN site to prevent further exploits. And Nintendo had a price drop.

Just remember Toyota sold cars that drove themselves into walls and stuff and they are still in business. Shit happens.

May 18, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Oh this will all blow over.

The new systems are coming and everything is going to be refucked.

May 18, 2011 by goukijones


i hate this shit

May 25, 2011 by kof2012

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