Community Cosplay Girls

By starlordtitus — July 2, 2011
Tags: blog cosplay girls

It was time to take the gloves off and add a bit of personal taste to what I like in cosplay girls. Keeping the class of course is important so there's just enough to to leave to the imagination.

I added some girls that I know to this, with their permission of course and some I thought I'd share in general. Some are very good, others, just plain sexy xD. Cosplay has always been a cool subject to get into, but it wasn't till girls started getting involved that it was taking to a new level. That point where you say "damn I suddenly like that character more.." LOL XD What I personally like about some of these girls is the accuracy. The closer to the character, the better. Any girl can do things to look sexy, but it's another ball park when you get the character's look down as well as look great in the outfit. Some actually improvised and made their own outfits which is additional props to them. Here are just some photos of girls who know how to rock cosplay.


This is probably the hottest Pikachu I've ever seen LOL


As Superman fan I have to appreciate this bombshell.


Isn't that the truth XD


This one is just funny, ah black men and their obsessions with big white girl booties xD GO AKUMA!


This is probablly one of the top picks.


In conclusion, hot damn. I think I'm going to find a girlfriend who cosplay for me LOL just saying xD




Some great choices there. Hot cosplay girls 3 thumbs up :p

Jul 2, 2011 by dragonkiss83


Thanks. CHEA! Haha yeah I really like cosplay girls that are really pretty. Like you like at their eyes and it's like "whoa" kind of feeling. And then they're in your favorite character's outfit? What more could you ask for I mean really XD

Jul 3, 2011 by starlordtitus


Freaking incredible outfits. Sometimes I which it was normal fashion for chicks to wear anime outfits in day to day life.

Jul 4, 2011 by Aragrist


HEY that white girls ass is HUGE!

Jul 4, 2011 by iorilamia


Aragrist that would be straight epic. And I think, wait, yep, definitely girls would get pregnant xD! iorilamia YUSS! I like white girls with HUGE asses LOL

Jul 4, 2011 by starlordtitus


Let's see where to start I like the morrigan girl I like the pikachu girl and I like cammy and the cat girl from mvc3 and the last one I would totally boink

Jul 4, 2011 by Kof2012


the last

Jul 4, 2011 by Kof2012



Jul 4, 2011 by Kof2012


Hell to the yeah Kof2012. You sir, are a Real man.

Jul 4, 2011 by starlordtitus


You're a beast @StarLordTitus ! Loving the work that you love! lol

Jul 5, 2011 by reipuerto


Based on the last picture. Featured!

Jul 5, 2011 by goukijones


Haha thanks reipuerto and goukijones! I do my best to share with you guys the simple things in life that make a person say "AWWWWWW YEEEEEAAAAH" XD

Jul 6, 2011 by starlordtitus

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