Crackdown 2 Preview

By goukijones — October 4, 2009
Tags: crackdown-2 pictures preview video

WTF is this? Oh yes Jimmy. This IS a sequel.

Ok so some of you may not remember, but I do. A few years ago a game came out called Crackdown. The only reason why anyone even played or heard of this game was to get their hands a the Halo 3 beta which was included on every disc.

Crackdown wasn't the greatest game ever made, actually it was pretty bad. Very simple minded stuff, run around, climb buildings, shoot anything that's shooting at you. There was some minor leveling up, but nothing to get super excited about. I played, a few times ... waiting for the Halo 3 Beta to be made available.

Now it's time for Crackdown 2! I'm sure somewhere very few Jimmys are thrilled to death to hear this news. I was a little, until I saw the pictures that looked like Crackdown 1. WTF? Zombies?! WTF?! Enough with the fuckin' zombies in every game. Anyway, just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Check out these screens and video below.


This is a cut scene I'm sure ...

Uh-oh starting to look Crackdown 1 ...

Okay, this is the same game.

Crackdown 2

Crackdown 2 Gouki Box Art

4 Stories

Release Date: Jul 6, 2010

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