Crysis 2 Demo Trailer Demo Version II

By goukijones — March 2, 2011
Tags: crysis-2 demo trailer video

This may not look all that cool after watching the new Battlefield trailer, but I did have a good time with this demo the first time around.

You gotta appreciate the idea of a second demo to give us a taste of another map and some improvements made to the game after the first go around. Too bad I'm nowhere near an Xbox or you Jimmys would be getting railed right now!

Crysis 2 | Demo Trailer - PART II

From YouTube:

Available now for both PC and Xbox 360, you can team up online to Be The Weapon with the Crysis 2 Multiplayer demo. Including 2 intense game modes with a new map, multiple classes, and an array of weapons -- this is a good taste of things to come when the game launches on 25th March.

Pre-order this bad boy today and raip online with Team Gouki

Crysis 2

Crysis 2 Gouki Box Art

16 Stories

Release Date: Mar 22, 2011

Buy it! 33% - Rent it! 47% - Flush it! 20%

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