Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo Out Next Week!

By Cinderkin — January 21, 2011
Tags: crysis-2 demo multiplayer news video

Crysis 2 6 on 6 multiplayer demo is dropping in on the 25th of Jan, same day as the Bulletstorm demo. Check out the new trailer!

Crysis 2 is looking bad ass. Some of the sweetest multiplayer changes I've seen to date. Sliding into cars and knocking them over for cover, climbing over obstacles to slam down on enemies. Ok so maybe it's been done before, but Crysis 2 makes it look damn good.

After watching the trailer I'm stoked to get my hands on this demo. Looks like a lot of fun. According to a recent press release, the Crysis 2 MP demo will include the "Skyline" map, and two game modes: "Team Instant Action" - AKA Team Deathmatch - and "Crash Site" - AKA Crysis 2's take on territories

Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!


Crysis 2

Crysis 2 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Mar 22, 2011

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