Crysis 2 will blow you away, if your PC is from the future

By BatRastered — June 26, 2010
Tags: crysis-2 e3-2010 news

Crysis 2 looks amazing... on the PC anyway.

We got to see a demo of Crysis 2 in the EA booth at this year's E3.


I'll tell you what, it looked VERY pretty. You've never seen a game that looked this good. Unfortunately this was running on a PC. I'm not sure of the specs they had, but given the 80 inch plasma in front of the room, and the fact that they wanted to show off this game, I'll assume it's better equipped than mine. Even given that, there were a few points in the demo where the frame rate dropped noticeably. I worry about how this game will turn out on the PS3 and XBOX 360.

It looked to me as the whole city was rendered in real time with lots of pieces, as a whole building comes down and it's not a cinematic cut scene. If you could buy two XBOXes with the money you spent on your video card, you need this game to justify your purchase. Otherwise, I'd wait and see how the console versions turn out.

It also looked to me as if the jimmy running this demo was in god mode, because he was getting pwnd but not dying. Hmmm... conspiracy!

Crysis 2

Crysis 2 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Mar 22, 2011

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