Community Custom Figtsticks

By starlordtitus — June 5, 2011
Tags: blog fightstick

A compilation of the many diverse custom built fightsticks of video games we have today.

Across my time of gaming, I've seen many fightsticks and places where fightsticks end up. So today I'd like to share some of the fightsticks I've seen as well as the many fightsticks I've known people to make. Let's take a look.


Akuma Fightstick: The last time I saw this fightstick, it was in the possesion of Momochi. A solid fightstick for any Akuma player.


360 Shape Fightstick: This unique fightstick uses the outside frame of a 360 with parts of a fightstick on the inside. Interesting.


Nike Box Fightstick. For the gamer looking to have a fightstick with a budget and still retain a bit of style, the Nike Box Fightstick makes for a hilarious yet efficient fight stick, parts are all fully functional and inside.


An exclusive, signed by Justin Wong,  fightstick. That day he was a bit shy to take the photo but was cool about it xD


Standard Ryu Fightstick: Ryu fans know this is the way to go if you're looking to represent with quality.


Cake Fightstick: That's right, it's a CAKE! XD I could not help but add this one because of how scrumptious and awseome this pic is. Fightstick+Cake=EPIC.


This is just a great pic of how you can start anyone at just about any age :D The next champion of EVO 2023! XD


Hoon Fightstick: The Hoon Fightstick was created to be the first "luxury" fightstick. While most would agree that it could have sported a better look, the fightstick sports osterich leather as well as Sanwa parts and is fully compatible for 360, PS3, and PC.



Here is a video about a slick Gouken Fightstick


This one is a Left 4 Dead Fightstick xD Really? Awesomess.


Finally, I leave you with the most macked daddied out fightstick I've seen to date. CEO's Alex Jebailey's Fightstick. This stick is so personally customized, I have to give him props for it. The time itself for the image alone was somewhat long, but all the worth while to create a truly unique fightstick for the player himself. If anything, I would recommened anyone willing to go the distance to customize their fightstick to their own personal design and style. Enjoy.


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