Cyrsis 2 Be The Weapon gameplay trailer = Mind blown OUT!

By goukijones — December 18, 2010
Tags: crysis-2 gameplay trailer video

Crysis 2 has me excited about video games again. I never thought I would have said that 6 months ago, when I first saw this game at E3.

CRYSIS 2 Be The Weapon

The game looks amazing, but forget about graphics. Graphics are irrelevant to how much fun you have with the controls. Teeeeeeh guns, the kicking the car, the frickin' aliens man, the jumping around, the sliding, the all out railin'!!! 

I'm exciting about this! I see potential for other games to start to open up more with the amount of shit we can actually fuck with in the game world. I want to be able to shoot through closed door, cause damage to everything around me that stays there forever in the game world. Kill anyone I please and move around completely free. I want my MIND BLOWN!

Be Strong. Be Fast. Be Invisible. Be The Weapon. This new trailer for Crysis 2 showcases how gamers can use the powers of the Nanosuit to save New York and the world from an alien invasion in 2023.

Crysis 2

Crysis 2 Gouki Box Art

16 Stories

Release Date: Mar 22, 2011

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