Community ......Dan VS Hercule!!! XD

By starlordtitus — June 29, 2011
Tags: blog dragon-ball-raging-blast-2 fiction street-fighter-4

Dan from Street Fighter. Hercule from Dragon Ball Z. Who has the biggest mouth? And more importantly, who would win in a fight! XD


Reader's Note: The following fight can be read with the music video included in this story when prompted to activate it. In addition, the video itself is also quite hilarious.


3 scenes take place.

2 aliens from the Dragon Ball Z universe are seen testing out their latest contraption, an interdimensional matter transporter.  One gets in his craft and flies out to space. Analyizing inhabited planets he decides to transport himself to different planets without the need of interstellar space travel. He then arrives on Earth.


Hercule is at a press conference declaring himself the most accomplished retired fighter. "Ahahahaha! Ohhhh yeah! I'M THE CHAMP! Noooo one can beat Hercule ahahahaha!". Reporter: Hercule sir, what about those fighters who seemed to be able to fly?? And it seems you are somehow associated with them?" (Hercule) Uhhh those are just some of my friends who graduated from a magic school in France! ;D, yeah that's right one of them married my daughter Videl and she told me how it's just a bunch of parlor tricks and smoke and mirrors". Reporter: "Oh...I see >.>" (Hercule) "Yeah umm....OH! Suddenly my stomach hurts! Oh um we're gonna have to conclude this later, be sure to talk to my agent if you want another interview. Ba bye!" Reporters: "Wait! Hercule!"


Dan is finished putting up the finishing touches on his dojo. (Dan) Ahh yes! Before you know it, this dojo will be swarming with young ambitious students, waiting to call me their sensei! I can see it now, bowing their heads to me and following my every move! Not to mention the ladies that will come swarming when they hear how successful my dojo will be! I'll be the talk of the town! AH HA HA HA HA HO HO!

The alien has been observing planet Earth and decides to talk a walk on it's surface to observe it's beauty.  He see's a crowd of people apparently chasing after a man. (Reporters) "Wait Hercule we still have some questions! And your interview is not yet done with us for another half hour!" (Hercule) "I'm sorry but this can't wait no longer! I have to find a bathroom!". The alien stares at the strange man with the fro as he runs towards him.......runs towards him? The alien tries to run away but Hercule crashes into the alien and hits the interdimensional device and causes it to malfunction! Suddenly a flash of of light blazes out and Hercule and the alien disappear! (Reporter) "Oh no, where did he go. It must be one of the tricks his son in law taught him!"

Dan is laughing away, looking at his big sign on his dojo. He turns around to walk and hits head! (Dan) "Ow!! Ahh errr, hey! Watch where you're going! Hercule massaging the bump on his forehead looks up. (Hercule) "Uhh hey! Where are we? And what is that thing!" Hercule points at the alien. He moves closer to look at him...(Hercule) Hey, are you the one that got me away from those reporters? Haha thanks a lot! The paparazzi sure can be trouble at times." (Dan) "Paparazzi?" (Hercule) "Hm? Yeah, you know reporters." (Dan) "Are you famous or something?". (Hercule)[dramatic music is heard] "........ .......... ........OHHHHHH YEEEAAH! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I'M HERCULE! THE WORLD'S GREATEST RETIRED FIGHTER! If you don't know about me you've been living under a rock!"

(Dan) Really...well I've never heard of you! I at least have my own dojo as you can see. And this place will soon be swarming with students, all in line to learn from ME! DAN THE MAN! I'm sure you've seen the flyers?" (Hercule) "Flyers? I haven't seen anything, all I know is I crashed into this little alien dude and winded up here. And besides this dojo is small, I've got a whole gym where fighters practice my techniques all the time. Yep, I even have a whole city named after me!" (Dan) A whole city? HA! You don't look like much to me, though your mustache is decently masculent. (Hercule) "Yeah? Well its TRUE. And you can stick that in your pony tail. (Dan) "HEY! My pony tail displays that even a MAN can have great hair, something you wouldn't know about with your 70's fro!" (Hercule) "Oh yeah!?" (Dan) "YEAH!" The two exchange angry sparks while face to face.

(Hercule) "That does it! There's only one way to settle this, we're both fighters so put em' up!" (Dan) I thought you'd never ask! But I should warn you, I am skilled in the art of Hadou. (Hercule) You can call your style whatever you want, but my world  championship belt says it all!"


[Activate Music Video]


Hercule and Dan walk outside to an open area. They take their stances. They stare at each other as if a cowboy show down from the old West. Then suddenly, simultaneously they yell and attack. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The two square off immediately, matching blow for blow! Dan short jumps for a barrage of kicks, but Hercule blocks each one! Hercule then counters with 5 hit combo but Dan is able to dodge and block the last hit! They break off and seperate. (Dan) "Alright it's time to show you what I can do!" (Hercule) "Bring it on!". Dan focuses his energy and prepares to fire a hadouken! Hercule noticing the gathering of energy begins to worry. (Hercule Thinking) "Oh no, not another one of these smoke and mirrors freaks! I don't really have a defense for energy based attacks except to run! But I can't just back down. I gotta think of something......wait a minute I got it!". Hercule reaches into his pocket in searches for some pepper spray. But instead he finds the present bombs he had when he was first fighting Majin Buu. (Hercule Thinking) "Well I don't want to kill him! But maybe I can set it and make it go off near him and escape in all the smoke. Ahahaha I'm a genius!". Suddenly Dan fires the hadouken! Hercule's eyes light up! He's out of time! The hadouken travels a few feet.....but disappears. -.-' They both stare at each other disappointed. (Hercule) "Ahahahaha is that all you got!?" (Dan) "HEY! It's not as easy as you think! >.<". (Hercule) "Why don't you just call it quits and go back to your dojo!" (Dan) "I'm not done yet!"

The two dash towards each other, but suddenly Hercule stops. (Hercule) "Wait! You know what? I don't want really fight you, yeah sure I just want to be friends, in fact I left you  a present over there" (Dan) "Whaaa?" (Hercule) "Yeah Hercule is that kind of cool guy, oooohhhhh yeeeaaah hahahaha. SO, I'll just let you look at your present now.." (Dan)"...............Hmm.......". Dan sees the shiny present 15 feet away. Hercule sneaks away behind a deserted car. Dan begins to walk over to the present. Hercule doesn't want to kill him, but distract him. Dan is approaching and now 7 feet away. Hercule smiles "YOU'RE TOAST!" He hits the detonator and an explosion erupts, causing a whole mess of debree to scatter. Dan is blown into the air. (Dan) "Aaaaaaaaaaggghhhhhh!". (Hercule) "Now's my chance! Time to finish this!". Hercule rushes over to the injured Dan. (Dan) "Wait!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" (Hercule) "Uhh what?" Dan bows on his knees. (Dan) "Yeah I didn't mean it, can't you see I'm hurt?" (Hercule) "Uhh here let me help you up then." Dan smiles, and then suddenly comes up with Koryuken! (Dan's version of a Shoryuken), knocking Hercule into the sky. Hercule hits the ground. (Hercule) "Hey that was a dirty trick!" (Dan) "Look who's talking you could have killed me!" (Hercule) "I was only gonna scare ya a little." (Dan) "Liar!". (Hercule) "I'll show my Super Megaton Punch!" (Dan) It's no match for my pure awesomeness and dashing smile!". They both run at each other and swing, hitting each other at the same time in each other's faces.......... The alien that came with Hercule walks up upon the fight, only to see Dan and Hercule both knocked out. The alien has a "you've got to be kidding me" look on his face. 

The alien then drags Hercule a few feet away and examines his interdimensional matter transporter. It seems a piece was knocked loose. He re-inserts it and the device lights up. It is now fully operational. The alien then activates the device and holds on to Hercule, the two are then transported back to their dimension. The alien searches Hercules clothes for some thing to tell him more about Hercule. He activates an analytical translator and decipher's Hercule's address from his driver's liscense found in his wallet. A dashing pose in the picture. The alien transports Hercule to his home, leaving him on his bed and then departs to his ship to go home. Dan wakes up where he was knocked out.....(Dan) "Ughhhh, what happened? Did I.....did I win??" He stands up and looks around. (Dan) "Damn, he got away. If I see him again I'll make sure to finish him off! Ugh! I better get back to the dojo, my new students won't teach themselves!". Hercule wakes up to find himself in his bed. (Hercule) Errr.....huh??? H-how did I get here?? Hmm, maybe it was that alien! Yeah that must be it. That Dan guy was sure a sneaky devil, kind of reminds me of someone but....I can't think who. Hmm, well what do I do now? Ahh! I better call my agent, and see what's next on the agenda. I can't disappoint my fans after all. Ahahahahaha!"


The End



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