Day 0 Nonsensical blithering blathering E3 2010 happenings

By goukijones — June 15, 2010
Tags: e3-2010 keynote microsoft

If it’s not one thing it’s another. is very excited for attending E3 as a member of the media for the very first time.

12:15am Day 0 of E3 2010. Today I woke up with an extremely heavy head. I rolled downstairs and got into a taxi and explained to the driver that I must get to the convention center as soon as possible. I just poured a little/lot of Jack into a can of coke I’m drinking. I watched the Microsoft press conference today from the E3 media lounge. The signal was really hard to get a hold of and I actually saw less than half of it. What I got from what I saw is … Cut anything will pwn!. Half of the Microsoft press conference involved games that require me to stand up and not hold anything, just flail myself in different ways at the screen. The animal one (Kenictmals) does look interesting to me. If I could just turn on a rhino to hang out on my TV and if I waived my hands at it to have in ram the screen or do some flips. I still say a real tiger should have come out and attacked the little girl. Halo Reach, again. Yes yes, I want to play I will be at the store, in line, before midnight waiting for it to be released. Don’t be a Jimmy.

Did I tell you about how fnjimmy pissed himself. I throw my hand up. Because telling this story is so absurd to me. The story is all facts and I have a hard time telling it truthfully. Have another drink. At dinner we ate a Irish bar on Figueroa St. in downtown L.A. Jimmy had two beers. Jimmy pissed right before we left the bar. Two blocks later the man is bent over in what he exclaims is excruciating pain.

Real time break. Jimmy was just bent over in my room picking his feet. I kicked the man out. Stay tuned for the continuation of the pee pants story. I apologize.

Let’s talk about games. Have another drink walk around. 12:39 in the hotel room. Wtf. More CG for The Old Republic. New Need for Speed is Burnout 3. Ubisoft’s press conference sounded terrible. I was watching the A-Team. Sounds like I made the right decision. Looked at the Activsion pwnfest that was taking place inside the Staples center and shook my fist! I said to myself I’m gonna get shit faced when they let me in there. Day 1! Very excited to play some new games. What is up with Marvel vs Capcom 3 Jimmy?!


Thanks to jalexbrown for being on top of the press conferences today. Click here.

Check out the pics from Day 0 by reipuerto. Click here.

See Jimmy washing his pee pants. Click here.

Follow all of us twitter. Click here.

Check out our E3 2010 landing page. Click here.


I have not read over any of this. This is real. See you at E3 tomorrow!  

BatRastered quote of the day: Network fail.


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