Destiny ViDoc - Pathways Out of Darkness

By BatRastered — February 17, 2013
Tags: activision bungie destiny video

After a long period of darkness, Bungie is ready to unveil its new universe... For the first time, the team, including studio co-founder and project director Jason Jones, talks about Bungie's most ambitious project yet.

Between the video and the home page ( we are told that this is an FPS "set within a newly-imagined, always-connected universe". It sounds like an MMO in that way, but they never came right out and said it. They say it's a 10 year journey... not certain if that means multiple sequels or the expansion route that WoW goes.

Interestingly, you can pre-order from Amazon now (linked from Bungie's page) with a very non-official release date of 12/31/2013. Will we be facing Destiny this year?

So there you go... that's all the info we're getting about Destiny for now. Expect a lot more at E3.



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[UPDATED] Feb 17, 2013 10:26:27 AM

Feb 17, 2013 by goukijones


Looks just like Halo for the most part. At least the customization stuff. It's going to sound like Halo with Bungie's great audio & music production. Can't wait this. There's no talk of the MMO aspect, so I'm concerned there. Always online worlds scare me. Still hype!

goukijones has not rated Destiny yet.
Feb 17, 2013 by goukijones


I read they plan of having a life span of 10 years for this game with atleast 8 games. Have Bungie taken into consideration that the game might suck before they commit to 10 years of content?

Has definitely got me curious is its a non subscription game.

Zero2990 has not rated Destiny yet.
Feb 18, 2013 by Zero2990

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